
Deployment and Setup Guide


Local Development Setup

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone https://github.com/Ghafli/flashcard.git
    cd flashcard
  2. Install Dependencies
    npm install
  3. Environment Configuration Create a .env.local file: ```env




NEXTAUTH_SECRET=your-secret-key NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000

Optional: Analytics


4. **Verify Setup**
npm run verify

This will check:

  1. Start Development Server
    npm run dev

Production Deployment

GitHub Pages Deployment

  1. Automated Deployment (GitHub Actions)
    • Push to main branch
    • GitHub Actions will automatically:
      • Build the application
      • Deploy to gh-pages branch
      • Update the live site
  2. Manual Deployment
    npm run deploy

Configuration Files

  1. next.config.js
      output: 'export',
      images: {
     unoptimized: true
      basePath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '/flashcard' : '',
      assetPrefix: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '/flashcard/' : ''
  2. next-sitemap.config.js
      siteUrl: 'https://ghafli.github.io/flashcard',
      generateRobotsTxt: true,
      outDir: 'out'
  3. .github/workflows/deploy.yml
    • Automated deployment workflow
    • Runs on push to main
    • Handles build and deployment

Quality Assurance

Pre-commit Hooks

# Runs automatically before each commit
- Linting
- Type checking
- Tests
- Build verification

Continuous Integration

Environment Variables

Variable Description Required Default
MONGODB_URI MongoDB connection string Yes -
NEXTAUTH_SECRET Session encryption key Yes -
NEXTAUTH_URL Authentication callback URL Yes -
NODE_ENV Environment mode No development

Security Considerations

  1. API Security
    • Rate limiting enabled
    • CORS configured
    • Authentication required
    • Input validation
  2. Database Security
    • Connection string in env vars
    • Indexes for performance
    • Access control configured
  3. Frontend Security
    • XSS protection
    • CSRF protection
    • Secure cookie handling

Maintenance Scripts

  1. Cleanup
    npm run clean
  2. Verify Setup
    npm run verify
  3. Type Check
    npm run type-check


  1. Build Issues
    • Run npm run clean
    • Delete node_modules and reinstall
    • Check Node.js version
  2. Deployment Issues
    • Verify GitHub Pages settings
    • Check GitHub Actions logs
    • Verify environment variables
  3. Local Development Issues
    • Run verify script
    • Check MongoDB connection
    • Clear Next.js cache